The 10 Commandments of Successful Businesses
First Commandment
To have a successful business you need vision and belief that it will happen. This helps particularly for the days when you’re all alone, sitting in a dark room wondering why your business is failing, there is only one true thing to power you forward — you believe in your vision.
Second and Third Commandment
Time Is Money. Both time and money are two important factors than determine business success. If you don’t take care of your money, someone else will. Money you can make again, once time is gone it’s gone.
Have a cash flow, budget, good accountant (plug) etc. know how much you made last year, last month even yesterday! Time management in business is of vital importance, one late delivery and a client may decide to go with another company, time wasted on menial tasks could cost you money etc. Great time management coupled with a useful product or service can lead to a successful business.
Fourth Commandment
Take care of your family, personal and spiritual health — if you aren’t laughing or smiling on a regular basis, recalibrate.”
How do you picture an entrepreneur? Working 18-20 hour days, no time for anything else?
It doesn’t have to be that way. Most successful business people would say they are successful because they have a good work-life balance. The notion we need to kill our family relationships, personal health or level of sanity to build our own business is sadly misaligned.
Fifth Commandment
Success is always a group effort. This does not always necessarily mean staff, it includes everyone from family, friends to mentors and business partners and everyone in-between.
There is no such thing as a self-made man or woman.
Sixth Commandment
In 2010, a small California-based company opened its doors for business. They didn’t have a lot of capital and had a staff of only four. They did have one thing; a singular vision—to outdo Kodak. Even through the rosiest of glasses, this would not appear a feasible proposition yet 18 months later, the company of four, which had become a company of 13, was sold to Facebook for $1 billion. This company was Instagram.
Facebook’s headquarters has a sign painted on the wall: “Done is better than perfect.” Had Facebook waited so much as a year to perfect its model, the company might very well be where MySpace is today.
Sometimes Done is Better Than Perfect, the trick is knowing which is the case.
Seventh Commandment
Remember you are not all things to all people. Decide on your niche–narrow your focus and broaden your appeal.
Eighth Commandment
Be Different
Don’t copy others, If your competitors are doing it, don’t.
Stand out from an overcrowded marketplace. Change up your advertising if it isn’t working try something new. So much advertising and products can look the same. Stand out from the crowd.
Ninth Commandment
Success and failure are not finite.
If you have success is did nothing go wrong? Is that is now? And if you fail are you a failure? Is it really 100% negative? The truth is some of your successes have been failures in some ways and your failures have had some great successes in them. We need both to be successful in business.
Tenth Commandment
Make sure your business has a consistent look and feel. A customer must get the same experience every time they engage with your company both online and offline.